docuForce allows documents to be exchanged within the organization and with its customers, suppliers and partners entirely in electronic format. By supporting various types of electronic signatures, the system makes it possible to create legally significant documents without the need to duplicate them on paper.


The flow of paper documents is a major challenge for companies. Working with them is associated with the costs of sending them, retrieving information and then storing them. In addition to the direct costs, there are many hidden costs associated with the loss of documents or their restoration.

Easy sending of all types of documents

The system provides the platform where companies participating in the process can create and exchange documents.

Several participants, one entry point

The system provides a single interface accessible from anywhere in the world via computers or mobile devices.

Any type of document

Documents can be of any type; structured, unstructured, formalized according to legal requirements.

Give legal validity to an electronic document with the help of digital signatures.

Integrated tools for creating advanced digital signatures, which opens up a large number of new and innovative opportunities for creating legally significant documents.

Advanced digital signature guarantees:

Document integrity

Full audit trail and activity notification for documents you have signed.

The exact date and time the document was signed

The time of the event is recorded by an accredited third party.

Identifying people

Who signed the electronic document.

Simple and intuitive work in the system:

Step 1

Create a document by uploading files or using predefined templates.

Step 2

Sign the document with a digital signature and send it to a colleague within the organization or to an external counterpart.

Get scanning compliance and a digital certificate for every document scanned!

Digitize your documents in accordance with Law 10.278 and ensure legal validity and authenticity.

Decree No. 10.278 establishes that digitized documents that follow all the guidelines will have the same legal value as physical ones. It applies to documents produced by legal entities and individuals.

After this digitization process, your company can proceed with secure document destruction services and manage all critical information on our digital platform.


docuForce makes it possible to consolidate and effectively organize the processing of various document flows: paper, electronic documents, e-mail and external systems. There is no need for expensive, off-the-shelf scanning software or per click/per page billing, document recognition, implementation of complex ECM or BPM systems, integration support. All processes are set up in the shortest possible time.

Single point of processing and storage for electronic and paper documents

We support any document format, from scanned paper documents, XML formalized according to SARS regulations and requirements, unstructured PDF and other common formats.

Connect the FastScan system and scans of paper documents can be sent for processing or in a single electronic file and scans of paper documents.

When connected to the FastScan cloud-based document scanning and recognition system, you can work with documents without using their paper copies. There's no longer any need to run and coordinate paper documents, just work with electronic copies.

Integrated support for various types of digital signatures

Simple or Basic electronic signature (SES), Advanced electronic or digital signature (AES), Qualified advanced electronic or digital signature (QES). Signing without authorization in the system by using SMS in mobile devices.

Easy customization of document types according to the organization's requirements

Create your document templates, customize the required list of document information fields, through simple settings available to users.

Tools for creating various automatic scripts for processing documents, checking them automatically and validating them according to the rules

The simple functionality of the document processing route builders allows even unskilled users to customize processes.

A wide range of integration features

All system functionalities are available via REST API

We implement hybrid solutions that combine collection, processing and storage.

Our Solutions

Management of


Document Storage

Invoice processing

Your digital transformation is about to take off

Talk to our experts and schedule a demonstration today!